Breast plastic surgery is a popular procedure, and it can change the shape and size of your bust and improve your figure. However, it’s important to choose your surgeon carefully and keep in mind that results won’t be immediate. You should expect soreness and tenderness for a few weeks after your operation, and you may need follow-up treatments to achieve the look you desire.가슴골필러시술

The most common type of breast plastic surgery is augmentation, which adds volume to the chest by using implants. Surgeons create an incision under the armpit, breast crease or areola and insert a silicone shell filled with either saline (a salt water solution) or medical-grade silicone gel. The implants are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, allowing women to choose the size and cleavage they prefer.

Aside from augmentation, there are several other types of breast plastic surgery, including lifts and reductions. A breast lift can help a woman with sagging breasts, which often occur after pregnancy or significant weight loss. This type of plastic surgery can restore a more youthful appearance to the breasts and can even help balance uneven breasts.

When considering breast plastic surgery, it’s important to consult with an experienced and skilled cosmetic surgeon. A qualified surgeon will discuss your options, including implant size, shape and texture, as well as surgical techniques. They will also describe the benefits and risks of each option and answer any questions you have. You should also ask your surgeon how many augmentations they’ve performed and look at some before-and-after photos during your consultation.

There are a few complications associated with breast plastic surgery that you should be aware of, such as soreness and tenderness in the nipple area and swelling. You may also experience some bruising and scarring after your procedure, although these will usually fade over time. Your plastic surgeon will likely recommend wearing a supportive bra and avoiding any activities that increase your heart rate or blood pressure, such as strenuous exercise.

If you’re getting breast implants, you may need to replace them in the future or have surgery to correct a problem such as nipple deformities or capsular contracture. Some types of implants are more prone to developing problems than others, so it’s important to get quality implants and to have a plastic surgeon you trust.

While breast implants are not permanent, they can be life-long if properly cared for. If your implants develop a problem, your plastic surgeon will remove the damaged implant and possibly replace it with another implant or with natural breast tissue.

A good plastic surgeon will stay up to date on the latest innovations in breast implants and other procedures for breast reconstruction. They will be able to advise you about new products that offer greater safety and better-looking results than older implants. You should also be sure to ask your plastic surgeon how long they’ve been practicing and whether they’re board certified by a professional organization, such as the American Board of Plastic Surgery.닥터케빈의원